Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pre-Storytelling Show Notes -- 16/3/12

-process is much less clear than the masks. Let's not focus on quantity but quality.
-There is somehow less of a group feeling this time around.
-Kamal is happy, so we are all happy, because he's always happy.
-Lots of inspiration generally from the group with this storytelling section.
-Stress. Get rid of it. Sleep enough. Don't get sick. Wash your hands regularly!

-Ruth--develop a move we can all do together, or a pose, perhaps work on this Friday or Sunday
-Monday lunch all group meeting
-Short intro "We want to tell you a story"

-David--Make a To-Do List
-We are all required to clean at end of show, if you can't then you clean before (this will either take place one hour after the show is over or two hours before class the next day, depending on if we have class Tuesday morning or not)

-Kay--will find some friends to run the first shifts at the bar
-Fationa and Imre--will bring cake (Carrot and Vegan?)
-David--will bring cookies
-Signe--is willing to run the bar
-Sam--will make a sign up sheet for food and running the bar

-Sunday @ 17:00 we will run thru the show at least twice
-Friday @ 14:00 we will work tech and give each other feedback on our pieces

-Consider inviting important people, people who will help build your career goals
-Send texts and invite everyone, man!

That is all. Sorry it took forever.

Uncle David

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Post Mask-Show Meeting Notes 27/1/12 (David's Version)

These are the notes I took from our meeting (post mortem) for the Mask Show we performed at the School on 23/1/12.

We met at some cafe on Blågårdsgade in Nørrebro.

The structure of the meeting went something like this: We each spoke one at a time talking about the things we thought worked and didn't work about the process. This was not a meeting to discuss the product (to discuss the quality of the show itself), but was instead a meeting about what we should improve and what we should keep doing the way we did it, since we will be doing a lot of shows together. So, I've divided this into two sections including topics people brought up: "Worked Well" (which means let's continue doing this) and "Needs Improvement" (which means we should change how this is done). There is also an "Also" category along with a category discussing doing another Mask Show.

-Audience seemed to have a really great experience and feel welcome
-Rehearsals were productive and fairly well organized (not overlapping with 2nd Years or each other in an overly-distracting way)
-We pushed ourselves to make this show and that provided a really good energy with great results
-People really stepped up and took responsibilities, even at the last minute
-Tech during the show went smooth considering everything was so last minute
-We were really forced to work as a team and take responsibilities
-For what we had to work with, the show went really great (it wasn't perfect, but we shouldn't expect perfection). We just did our best.
-Our passion is what brings us together, even when our objectives are different.
-The audience reaction was positive. So, let's keep using this social tool of theatre to give people a positive experience.

-David (and anyone else who wants to join him) will create prop tables for future shows, where there are specific places labeled on tables for each prop and costume piece, to make sure we don't lose anything and that we take better care of the property.
-We need to take better care of the school property (masks--too many were face down too often, props--keep track of where they are and don't throw them around, costumes--never put them on the floor)
-Curtain Call. Basically what this one means is that we need to communicate better with each other. When we come to an agreement, we need to follow through with that agreement, otherwise we are violating each others' trust. We understand that we all have different objectives for doing shows and even being at the school, but we can still have integrity and trust.
-Cleaning. When we all agree to clean at a certain time, we all need to be there. Five of us showed up to clean the following morning. This is unacceptable. 5 out of 12 of us who are using the same space. When we are using the same space, we are all obligated to help clean. Perhaps next time we could divide the group in half (half to clean before the show, and half to clean after).
-We must continue to own the shows and really make it good.
-We should try to get more things worked out in a shorter amount of time, making more efficient use of our time.
-Take care of yourself and look out for each other.
-We should mix up the groups more, to make more variety in the combination of people in groups. In other words, the same group of people shouldn't be in several pieces together, but we should mix it up. We can really increase our level of learning if we mix with each other better.
-We were missing the heart of the show. We need to help each other more and be more honest about our feedback, so that those pieces that are not doing as well as other pieces should get more attention, because a show is only as good as its weakest piece. Let's struggle more with this instead of just letting it fly by.
-We should run through the show at least 5 days before so we are not so rushed and panicked at the end.
-Maybe we could have one person (a 2nd year students or friends of ours not involved in the show) run the tech for the show--lights, sound, etc.
-Groups should support each other more and watch each others' pieces more in rehearsals.
-How do we divide the workload? Let's question the roles we have at this school (example: David as the announcement guy, maybe he doesn't want that job and someone else could take that responsibility).
-We should set up the lights sooner, please.
-Make meetings clearer to everyone and agree on things, creating specific results that everyone is informed of.
-We should figure out the order of the show better and sooner than we did this time.
-Wash the costumes you used after the show is finished (Perhaps we can put a laundry basket backstage and after the show you can put your costumes in this basket, then Signe can wash it at her place for free. Deal? Deal.).
-There is a conflict between separating home and school and combining them. What should we do, bring home into the classroom or not? Something to think about. Find the level that each person is willing to give to the show (will you put all your energy into it, or only half your energy, we should be aware of this in each other). On the other hand, perhaps we should all just be expected to give the same amount of effort into the show.
-Accept feedback people give you.
-Perhaps we should assign specific tasks to each other.
-Our roles can now change, so we can see each other with new eyes and see the possibilities we have for change.
-Kamal should not have only been in one piece. Let's challenge ourselves to think much more like a group and not leave people out (people work for the group and the group works for the people). On the other hand, perhaps we shouldn't force people to speak up, but should let them speak up for themselves if they want to be in more pieces or whatever.
-We should do the show in a way that we can make more money to get more, or better quality, materials (like body bags, masks, props, etc.), instead of paying for this stuff out of pocket.
-We should have more than just one day of working on the show instead of having classes.
-While rehearsing, keep in mind who can do the tech.
-Let's ask Ole for tools and be more proactive. If we ask, he will give it to us. If we do not ask, he won't.
-Create your own projects. Be the change you want to see in the world and at the school.

-Fabiola and Ruth have recorded the show, now Sam's friends will edit it into a finished product. Any word on when we will get said finished video?

NEXT MASK SHOW (This is basically a to-do list for all of us who want to do another mask show)
-We need to find a space that is free if we are going to do the show again, because renting space is what is expensive when doing a show.
-Look for places to perform, venues.
-Perhaps we will do another Mask Show before February 8th, but it might not be a fundraiser, which means that we may do another Mask Show in March in order to raise money for students at the school.
-Perhaps we should invite 2nd Year students to participate in this with us.
-Put your schedule on the blog, people.

There's that, lovelies. Now, it's bed time for this ol' dog.

Ol' Dog David

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pre Mask-Show Meeting Notes 20/1/12

X Fabiola - Imre needs the Nell Furtado song
-one to two people will operate the sound (Kamal and someone else)
-we shall use the white flats to block the sound board from the audience's view, while making sure the sound operator can see the stage
X Imre will make the track list

-chat up the bar throughout the night so people will buy more!
-no food, or drink before the show
X Sam will obtain sweets to distribute to eat (make it Vegan, Sam)
-Sam and Signe are the welcoming team (maybe in character?)
-We will have probably two recurring characters who change the set between each piece
-There should be some sort of audio cue for getting backstage at the start of the show
-Perhaps some 2nd years would interact with the audience before the show

-with our without masks?

X-Order ideas will go on the blog. Please take a look at them, maybe develop an order idea or two of your own, then we will decide collectively on Sunday.
X-All shall meet at 17:00 on Sunday at the school when we shall choose the order of the show and run thru it all
X-All can show up and clean whenever you want. Some people will show up at 18:30 on Saturday, and others will show up maybe at 14:00 on Sunday. Really, just show up whenever you want and clean, man.
X-Ruth will create a cleaning sheet.

-Sam's friend cannot do it anymore.
-Ruth, and possibly other people (please look for people) can record it
-Charge your cameras!!!
-Maybe 2nd Years can film, or maybe Lars or Bjørne from acro class
X-Sam, find people to film, you're in charge
X-Sam, you're also in charge of finding people to take still pictures of the show

-Perhaps we could go to a local Bodega
-Also, Sam will DJ with 90s dance music, perhaps using the lounge as a lounge

X-All facebook your friends
X-All test your friends
X-All put up fliers
-Remember to tell people to show up early if they want a good seat.
X-Signe, ask Ole how early people can show up (I think he said 19:30 was okay)
X-Fabiola, give your husband a key to the school so he can come in without disturbing people
-Will we let people in late, or shall we station 2nd Years at the door to late seat people

-Please, clean up after yourself, let's try to keep in organized

X-Fationa will organize a dinner that we can all have together (maybe including 2nd Years)

Proposal for order in the mask show

This is what I could come up with now. Check it out and find all imperfections and make them better and let's select a good one on Sunday - of these or another proposal.
 / rest and enjoy, Ruth 

MASK SHOW proposal order 1

Ritual (david, imre, yanet, fational, fabiola) FIRE, STICKS
Monkey (kay, sam, rosemary) BLACK BENCH
Rock band (david, yanet, bikash) BLACK BENCH
Akrobatik rocky (kay, fationa) BENCH
Cleaning solo (ruth) – can be placed almost anywhere…
Nepali dreams (david, kay, imre, sam)
Bag dance (signe, fationa, ruth)
Nepali couple (bikash, rosemary) BENCH, BLANKET
Death birthday (david, imre, signe, kamal)
Paparazzi church (david, signe, imre, ruth) BENCH, CROSS
Hip hop (signe, fabiola) FLOWERS, BENCH

MASK SHOW proposal order 2

Nepali dreams (david, kay, imre, sam)
Ritual (david, imre, yanet, fational, fabiola) FIRE, STICKS
Monkey (kay, sam, rosemary) BLACK BENCH
Cleaning solo (ruth)  - can be placed almost anywhere….
Rock band (david, yanet, bikash) BLACK BENCH
Bag dance (signe, fationa, ruth)
Nepali couple (bikash, rosemary) BENCH, BLANKET
Paparazzi church (david, signe, imre, ruth) BENCH, CROSS
Akrobatik rocky (kay, fationa) BENCH
Death birthday (david, imre, signe, kamal)
Hip hop (signe, fabiola) FLOWERS, BENCH

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's Roll Together and then Interview these strange people in our classroom!!!

Welcome back!


1. Hold hands, with your toes together with your partner. Switch hands. Pull yourselves toward one another, then let go of each other, then switch hands and fall back again. Take risks. Wait to grab your partner's hand until the last moment.

2. Titanic Handshake. Here's what I mean. Shake hands. Person 1 squats down creating a nice square platform with their legs. Person 2 steps up as close to P1's hips as possible. P1 holds other hand upside down behind head, and P2 grabs it. P2 now stands on other side of hip with body as close to P1 as possible. P2 now stands up. P1 leans forward ever so slightly after letting go with both hands, and P2 bends his/her knees ever so slightly. Both spread arms out with palms up and smile.

3. Forward roll into a headstand with legs straight, then roll down onto stomach in sort of a reverse worm to knees then go into a forward roll again.

4. Partner rolls. Roll together--one in front of the other. Then go into a stomach cruncher or jump on your partner's back while they are on all fours in a dog position (what I like to call the Egg Shell jump).

Now, let's move on to CHARACTERS

1. Character Interviews. Pretty self explanatory. "We want to see how you enter." -- Ole

2. 5 Characters in a train compartment.
-Let each character sit down. Do not enter in a repetitive rhythm, but enter more organically and unpredictably. Wait for the other characters to establish themselves before you enter so the audience doesn't get confused and overwhelmed.
-You don't have to make something happen. When you get such different characters together, it's already interesting. Be still more.

Much love,
David Roby

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mask Show Meeting Notes (15/12/11), Meeting #1


-Let's keep the show ideas simple
-Consider letting someone watch you during rehearsals for your pieces (Ruth would be happy to do this)
-Let's make sure to use the paper maché masks we all made.


-We agreed on having 6 or 7 (or however many) main performance pieces with smaller characters/situations showing up every once in a while throughout the evening
-Set it up like a Dreamscape (if confused about meaning, see Imre) with and without recurring characters. Anyway, we develop this sort of weird feeling, otherworldly.
-3 reoccurring characters interrupting scene with a simple activity of some kind -- like fighting over a pencil
-Evolution of the masks/characters (similar to the Amoeba exercise, but only in the sense that an evolution is taking place, Fabiola)
-Neutral Masks could help create environments (forrest, city, ocean, grocery store, etc)
-Neutral Masks or Larvae Masks could set up for the scenes
-Various Dumpster Masks could be passing in the background constantly.
-One character/object could link each of the scenes (for example, a prop being reused from one scene to the next, or a character walking on stage lost looking for the scene then finding his stage partners and beginning the scene)
-Latex Masks in the balcony like the two old guys from the muppets (Imre's grandma, Yanet's Cigar Guy)


To Begin Show:
-Body Bag piece
-Ritual with music using Javanese Masks (Fationa, Yanet, David) -- maybe take place in the middle of the audience, with a High Moon Body Bag character starting the possession of the Javanese Masks
-Neutral Masks start the show?

Middle Scenes:
-Throne Scene (Imre, David, Sam, Ruth, Signe)
-Hip-Hop scene (Fabiola, Signe)
-Poker Game
-Larvae Masks at the cafe (Bikash, Fationa, Signe)
-Imre and David's Body Bag characters from the lamp scene
-Rock Concert with Latex Masks (David, Yanet, Bikash)
-Dumpster Collection Team (Fabiola, Yanet, Imre)

Show Endings:
-Family Photo

-Everyone should come back after the break with two ideas/characters and we will have another meeting. Yay!


1) Fationa -- available all break (ritual, bar larva mask)
2) David -- returns Jan 2nd
3) Fabiola --available all break (Hip-Hip scene)
4) Signe -- available all break (Hip-Hop scene, Throne Scene, up for other stuff, Call Her!)
5) Imre -- returns Dec 29th
6) Ruth -- returns January 2nd (Moon Body Bag character, her own paper maché mask)
7) Kamal -- available all break
8) Bikash -- available all break

P.S. People, we rock!!!

Yeah this guy again